Optimizing Fuel Deliveries

8 Weeks
User Research
Workshop Design
Validation Testing
Lead Designer
Route scheduling for fuel deliveries at JD Irving is currently carried out by dispatchers using manual methods that rely heavily on their intuition and experience. IBM was approached to augment this process by creating a tool that would automate route planning and help dispatchers capture new revenue opportunities.

This project paved the way for a multi-million dollar partnership and became a case study for IBM Client Engineering, a 1,200 person organization.
What I Did
I led data discovery and requirements gathering, helping the IBM team become experts in the fuel dispatching problem space. During the build phase, I designed the information architecture and UI of the dispatcher's dashboard incorporating historic, real-time, and predictive data in one place. In early testing, the dashboard was well received, accelerating task completion by over 80%.
Workshop + Research
Understanding the problem space

I facilitated of 10+ hours of workshops with 30 participants from JD Irving and IBM to understand the problem space, scope a high impact MVP, and start building within 3 weeks. This was supplemented with 1-on-1 interviews with dispatchers and managers to better understand their existing workflows.

Design + Develop
Making it real

As the only designer on the team, I worked closely with the data scientists to understand data outputs from their model, and with dispatchers to understand how that data should be presented. The final output was a dashboard that would allow dispatchers to observe live demand and generated trip routes.

Next Steps
Making it real

We received positive feedback from dispatchers, when testing the MVP, a key factor in JD Irving's decision to proceed with developing a production version. As part of the handoff, I created a UX roadmap that prioritizes features and integrations, and illustrates their impact on dispatcher processes.

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