Palatial Website

Visual Design
UI Design
Frontend Development
SEO Optimization
Sole Contributor
Palatial's vision is to simplify the process of creating XR content as Wordpress did for websites. As this has evolved from a hypothetical idea to a shipped product, Palatial's website has gone through frequent iterations as we developed our understanding of our customers, what they're looking for, and what kind of messaging generates conversions.

The current website was published in May 2024 and was viewed by over 100,000 visitors in the first month.
What I did
Palatial began as an agency, and the first versions of the website focused on novel graphics, past project case studies, and service offerings. This eventually evolved to become a portal for new sign ups, access to the web dashboard, and documentation/support.

I designed the site around simplicity, modularity, and SEO compatibility so that pages could be quickly published and easily built upon as new features were added. All content is fully responsive, and was A/B tested using visitor count, scroll depth, time spent, and sign-ups.
Customer Journey
A key touchpoint

I developed Palatial's customer funnel over the span of 6 months through user interviews, connecting trends across social media performance, Google Analytics, and user interviews. Using a product led growth approach, the website became a critical touchpoint for users to learn more about Palatial, access the tools, and contact the team for questions.

Previous Iterations
From Agency to saas

Part of the learning process of putting together Palatial's website was balancing a novel experience with utility. For example, early versions of Palatial's website had interactive glowing portals, but required a lot of clicking to find information, and was unresponsive to different screen sizes.

It was only through iteration, testing, and analysis that I was able to create an information architecture that is understandable at a glance, layouts that are easily responsive, and a visual identity that became Palatial's brand identity.

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